Winning at Fibromyalgia

Winning at Fibromyalgia

Hosted by: Martina Ziegenbein MD Coaching

In this podcast series I share all things Fibromyalgia: Starting from what is the fibromyalgia pain all about, through where it comes from to how to treat it. You don't want to miss it!

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Episode 13: How to approach chronic vaginal and vulvar pain with Dr. Yasmin, Ob/Gyn

Vulvar and vaginal pain, with and without sexual intercourse, is not particular or specific to fibromyalgia. However, it is not talked about often enough and it can be very disruptive to a woman's life. I am Ā chatting...
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Episode 12: Discussing strategies for anxiety with Dr. Jill Bailey, psychotherapist and family medicine physician

Episode 12 notes Ā  Hello! It was so insightful to chat with Dr. Jill Bailey about her new adventure as a psychotherapist. She transitioned from being a Family Medicine physician into a psychotherapist after getting...
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Invitation to sign up for my Winning at fibromyalgia online class

Course announcement Ā  Well hello everyone! Ā  I am Dr. Ziegenbein, your favorite Rheumatologist and fibromyalgia expert coach! Welcome to this bonus episode of WAF podcast! I have an exciting announcement and what a...
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Episode 11: Why you should see a Rheumatologist to confirm the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

Hi. This is Dr. Ziegenbein, your favorite Rheumatologist, and fibromyalgia expert. Fibromyalgia has a capacity to rule, and even ruin your life. I am here to show you how to stand up to it, how to be your fibromyalgia...
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Episode 10: How to approach a conversation about your needs with Dr. Alexandra Stockwell

My special guest Dr. Alexandra Stockwell and I discuss important conversations in a relationship as it pertains to someone in pain. I learned an important detail about approaching this type of conversation, that may...
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Episode 9: Patient stories from my practice

I showcase 3 patients who all have neuroplastic pain/symptoms and all three have different situations they are dealing with Hello Friends and Winning at Fibromyalgia warriors! Ā  Please know I mean the word ā€œwarriorā€...
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Episode 8: My Breakthroughs on my own fibromyalgia journey

Hello Hello Hello! Ā  I am excited to be back for an episode # 8 of Winning At Fibromyalgia podcast! Title of todayā€™s episode is: ā€œHow I reached breakthroughs on my own fibromyalgia journeyā€ Ā  I shared during an...
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Episode 7: How do you know you are winning (at fibromyalgia)?

Welcome to Episode 7 of the (best ever) Winning at Fibromyalgia Podcast!!! Ā  I am Dr. Martina Ziegenbein, a Rheumatologist and your Fibromyalgia expert and guide, bringing you news and all the things...
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Episode 6: The 5 core steps of the Winning At Fibromyalgia Method

In this episode I introduce the 5 core steps of my Winning at Fibromyalgia Method. I have worked hard to distill it to just the main 5 so that it is short and simple.Ā  Today I am bringing you episode #6! It is so far...
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Episode 5: What can be done for fibromyalgia - Emotional Awareness and Expression therapy

Hello and Welcome everyone to episode #5! Today I am going to talk about another part of pain reprocessing therapy - Emotional Awareness and Expression therapy Ā  Let me first briefly summarize the main teaching points...
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Episode 4: What can be done about Fibromyalgia part 2: Somatic tracking

In this episode I continue to delve into components of pain reprocessing therapy. The basic outline of this process include: 1. confirming the dg of Fibromyalgia, 2. being open to the concept of neuroplastic pain, 3....
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Episode 3: What can be done about fibromyalgia pain Part 1

In this episode I give a summary of my approach to fibromyalgia pain. It has 3 main steps and we talk about the first two and one substep of the 3rd step :-) Ā  Hello there! Ā  Welcome to Winning at Fibromyalgia...
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