Yes! My unique, first of a kind, extraordinary online class Winning At Fibromyalgia Primer has arrived!

I want the course

As a rheumatologist I evaluate women with fibromyalgia EVERY single day.

What I get to hear is usually all or some variation of following statements:

“I am in pain, all over, almost all the time!”

“I am tired of the pain and living like this!”

“I do worry there is something wrong with my body.”

“I definitely do not enjoy myself, even if I do something that I used to love doing!”

“Doctor, I can’t recognize the person I am today from who I used to be!”

(Before the pain started to eat at their life).

After months of studying, attending courses and lectures on pain reduction, and having my own breakthroughs with pain I created this unique, one of a kind, online training.

Winning at Fibromyalgia Primer is a 6 week course that offers easily digestible pieces of information every week, topped off by zoom meeting with me once a week.

The result of participation of this course is a breakthrough in 3 major areas:

  • Empowering knowledge (you will know what fibromyalgia is and WHAT to do about it)
  • You will experience significant reduction in pain
  • You will start feeling HOPE and start looking forward to things and events in your life again!
Get The Course For $499

Is that something you would LOVE to participate in and experience? I would!

To Summarize

  • It is 6 modules, that you study on your own pace (no more than 20 slides each time)
  • We meet weekly in small groups (no more than 8), on zoom for 60-90 minutes and we review all the
    information and I demonstrate the tools I talk about

First eight of you will get it for 499 USD!


After that, the price goes up to 799 USD.

Get the course here



Or if you want to learn more, schedule a free discovery call below:

Schedule HERE